Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Crazu/Risky Tomasz X HellaFlush

Just in case you missed it, this photo of Tomasz's car at the AMS swap meet last Sunday made an appearance on HellaFlush a couple days ago. Thanks for showin' some Honda love and hooking it up with the link through, too.  And congrats to Tomasz!

Here are a few more from the AMS event photo gallery (located on their website here):

Apparently being parked next to an AMS Evo X and RD Chob can help attract some attention! And that last one almost looks like a NOS ad or something. They probably set it up real quick while no one was looking; we should get some type of compensation for that, haha. Just kidding. 

Oh and I'm sure some quality photos will come from ILL Photography sooner than later, as I saw him making his rounds that day.  Also, I've heard through the grapevine that there are already some new goodies on the Kobe DC2.  So, keep an eye out for all of that.


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