Sunday, December 28, 2008


Honda Realsports Sailing, Kyushu VTEC-Sports Touring Club had there last meet of the year on a rainy Dec. 21, in Japan. A large number of HRS members, whom are only permitted membership with 'R' motors, met up for a short cruise to a local eatery despite the poor weather conditions.

Check some of the photos from a few various blogs:


Bonus - Photos from past HRS meets from circuit and street which showcase more members' cars not present at the year-end event. These show how vast the collection of primarily newer Type Rs that comprise the group really is (sans the NSX):



Johnny Rumble said...

Despite the absolute coolness of the club trying to attract the 'R' Brand, what about the S2000 guys? That's Honda's flagship sports car now, and as far as I know, there's no 'R' version!

nicoSPON said...

Very true, there is no 'R' version S2000, unless you count the CR, but no one would. On their minkara page translation, it reads that they require the interest/aspiration for what stands behind the 'R' is most important, along with information about accepting new entrants' vehicles, the following models are listed/accepted: NSX/NSX-R; S2000; INTEGRA TYPE-R; CIVIC TYPE-R/MUGEN-RR; ACCORD/TORNEO EURO-R.

Sorry for the confusion, and yes, I too think this group is absolute coolness. I'd like to see them cruisin' in a grid down the highway all together.