Cruisin' around the other day with Jamie, 3L and Tym, I had a chance to snag a few shots of Tym's new spring fresh. That shade of blue -- supposedly, officially called
medium quasar -- is looking quite nice on the cypress green pearl if you ask me.

The plan was to get some better shots heading east along I90, but while I was taking the last photo of the set, unfortunately there was a state trooper approaching in the lanes to the left, which we were merging with. I'm guessing he probably didn't like me hanging out of the window without my seat belt on, and probably wanted to get behind us. Thankfully Tym executed some much needed/appreciated block-line, while Jamie pulled off at the first exit and we got away without a hassle. Perhaps we'll have a chance to finish the shoot when the weather gets nicer, again.
Clean and simple. Me likey...
sick shit, where can i get that mirror?
Looking killer! Nice job ditching the cop lol
haha that guy always painting wheels. maybe tym can just test out color ways for me :P
tym, why is your car so fast? bah
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